Excellent work, Master!
Best LD flash by far, pitty I couldn't watch it with sound though as my .swf player is dodgey (more adobe ass suckage at play here perhaps). Also thank you for the cameos! <5 (this is coffeefnfg g)
Excellent work, Master!
Best LD flash by far, pitty I couldn't watch it with sound though as my .swf player is dodgey (more adobe ass suckage at play here perhaps). Also thank you for the cameos! <5 (this is coffeefnfg g)
Thanks, Coffee. I could recognize it was you because of the red +, you're kind of obsessed with those as far as I'm concerned. :L
Haha very nice
I enjoyed this flash quite a bit! Also thank ye for the cameo!
Thanks christy.
Haha epic stuff
This was hilarious, I want to see more shit like this!
Judging by the feedback, I'd say that it's very possible that I'll try another of these some day.
I should also mention that this flash probably wouldn't have taken place if it hadn't been for your suggestion that I try using the brush tool =) So thank you! I had a lot of fun making this which I am pretty sure is because I used the brush tool rather than the line tool. Brush tool just went so much faster =)
This movie made me feel
happy and I like feeling happy so this is good movie. Good. =]
Feeling crazy is better than feeling happy. Go get a beer or two ;D
haha epic
i loved it with my body tight. Also, that .gif you used from the video of Buck Dich at Live Aus Berlin wasn't it? I remember laughing at that goofy looking guy who's all in to it when Till has his willy out
Haha, yeah that's from Buck Dich (Bird Dish lmao), with the crazy guy with glasses headbanging to extreme amounts of penile exposure. Cheers much for the review :)
Pure genius.
Only our SBC could have envisioned such awesome and win!
Turly epic work!
Fast paced and most awesome! I enjoyed the level of ultra-violence that was present throughout the peice, keep it up!
Undeniable greatness.
Very inspiring and gruesome work as always.
<3 +
Age 36, hey
Joined on 7/19/07