what a pretty ad
quitre lovely
what a pretty ad
quitre lovely
Loved it!
The style and animation were great, and I found it very funny. great job! only thing that let it down was the sound quality, sucks you had to change it to get it submitted
I love you.
Wow, the NG userbase have seem to have gotten soft
Or "gay" would be another way to describe it. In some of these reviews people seem to have gotten quite offended, I don't really understand it, it wasn't offensive to me at all, just funny. AND THE ANIMATION AND SHIT WAS GOOD AS ALWAYS GREAT JOB MAN
Most splendid!
I 5 witth my bosy whole
That was swell!
Great work by everybody involved <3
Amazing work, dude!
The animation, timing was all incredibly well done! I like how you managed to give them a lot of expression, which isn't something you so in a lot of Madness flash, so well done with that.
Amazing, this very spotty little man speaks the
Truth! The truth! Truth! The truth!
Make a sequel!
Loved it, hearted it, fapped.
It was hilarious sir, keep it up.
Great work!
I larffed!
<3 +
Age 36, hey
Joined on 7/19/07