I've been playing with the concept of a game that combines two popular types of flash games; Platformer and Tower Defense.
The rough idea is that you guide a character through an environment that when night falls, is overrun by hostile creatures [haven't set in stone any specifics, sounds like zombies but they're over done].
The two game types are established by night and day.
Here are some really quick mockups I did of;
[b]DAY; [/b]The day time levels play out like a standard platformer with an emphasis on collection. During this mode, the player needs to quickly traverse and collect resources before night fall.
The 'resources' (think ammo, weapons, steel/wood) collected during the Day are then used to help the player during the next phase...
[b]NIGHT;[/b] The night time levels are a result of the character fortifying a position and defending themselves from the hostiles over the night. I'd imagine they'd play out like a general tower defense game. Reminds me a little of Minecraft now I think of it?
This is the rough idea in a nutshell. I'm putting this forth to see what you guys think about it, and if I decide to begin working on it; if anyone would be my coding love child on this project.
Aesthetically, I want to use simple graphics will bold colours, which i aimed for in the mockups but obviously need a lot of work.
I used to know alot about AS2, but I don't have a computer anymore.Ask someone on the programmer's forum, their dying for work.
Yeah I might hit up the forums with this too, then, thanks!